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Where to go
Principe Island Northern Belt

Floresta de Azeitona

This secundary forest is being protected by the Natural Park, due to the richness of its bird life and the presence of threatened species of trees on the island. Of easy access from the capital, this forest is an ideal spot for bird watching, contemplation of the forest and also to meet the people who live close by.

Different walk options ar possible, that can be combined with visits to the Plantation of Sundi and Plantation of Ponta do Sol.

– Plantations of Sundi and Ponta do Sol
– Bird watching in the Azeitona forest Opções de visita
– Park your vehicule at Ponta do Sol and walk in circles using the roads the cut through the Azeitona Forest.
– Park your vehicule at Sundi and walk in circles using the roads the cut through the Azeitona Forest.

from 1 to 3 hours depending on the trails you choose.
